Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Vaguely Annoying Day


Today was sort of an annoying day. First thing in the morning I had to get an eye exam, and I forgot about all the annoying things they do, like blow air in your eyes and dilate your pupils. I couldn't read, but they told me I'd be safe to drive home. So I carefully headed down the road and wondered who around me had such a loud car... and then I realized it was MY car! It hadn't been that loud on the way to the appointment. Tomorrow we will get it checked out.

Work was annoying, because besides having dilated pupils, I was using a loaner laptop that took three times as long to do anything on as my old work computer, which is being replaced. It seemed fine to me, but they are supposed to be replaced every five years, and it has been six years. There seemed to be complications with everything I tried to do, but somehow it was a very productive day anyway. Then Travalon came home and drove me to adoration, so that I wouldn't have to use my loud little car. On the way home we ordered take-out Chinese, and the ice cream place is right next door, so Travalon got his beloved scotcharoo. I wasn't sure I'd have anything, but they had a new flavor, rhubarb crumble, which was wonderfully tangy and full of little pie crust pieces. So good! 

We could see a beautiful sunset on our drive home, but by the time we got there and Travalon could grab his camera, it was mostly over. He did get a few lovely photos.

Another thing I am vaguely annoyed about is that my sponsor child Nicolas, who lives in Bolivia, just moved out of the area so he is out of the program. This keeps happening to me: I had a girl in India, two different boys in Haiti, and a girl in Uganda, and they kept getting kicked out of the program for various reasons, like parental noncompliance or not progressing in school. (Are they calling my sponsor child stupid?) Nicolas has been around for a number of years, so I thought I'd finally have one age out of the program, but no. I have until September 12 to pick a new sponsor child, or they'll assign one to me. I'm wondering if I should just quit the program. It's disheartening to keep losing your kids. And Nicolas seemed so happy where he was, playing soccer and joining a band, that I can't understand why his family would move him away from all that. And there's no way to stay in touch once they leave the program - they just disappear into the world. Do they ever think of me? Who knows?

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Jilly Moose said...

I hope tomorrow is a better day.