Monday, August 12, 2024

Weight Loss Study Results


Today was my last Monday of working from home until probably Winter Break, so I really savored it. Though I won't miss the landscapers visiting on Mondays, especially since they always come right during my lunch break. Then right after I got done with work, Travalon and I went to the Goodman Community Center to find out the results of that weight loss study we were in. I was a bit embarrassed because a lot of the people who showed up were thin, and they had to have been overweight to be in the study, so they must have lost the weight and kept it off. To my surprise, there was no difference in weight loss between people who did the program alone and those who did it with their romantic partners. I would have thought having your partner do it would help. However, the partners who were in the study lost a lot more than those who weren't, which makes sense. They gave us free dinner and let us ask questions, like I asked if maybe the weight loss for our cohort who started during the pandemic could have been from not being able to go out to eat. (She said there was no statistical difference between those of us who started during the pandemic and those who started a couple of years earlier.) A woman I know from a committee I'm on was there, so we sat with her, and I won a mug! How? By sitting in a chair with a red dot on it, which I hadn't even noticed - it was just the chair closest to my committee buddy. Here's the mug.

Then Travalon and I went swimming, later than we usually go, but despite the growing gloom, there were lots of people in the pool. There was a little girl who looked about six with goggles, flippers, and a swimming cap who was really swimming around and diving into the deep end. A woman said to her, "You're a really good swimmer!" and she said, "I know - I'm in competitions." Wow, can someone be a child prodigy in swimming? Then I felt really bad because a woman who has been a member at least as long as I have and was always morbidly obese looked like she had lost a lot of weight, but she was walking slowly and painfully with the aid of a walker... and she doesn't look any older than me. After I showered and dressed and was just about to leave the locker room, who should I run into but Hardingfele. We were yakking in there, and Travalon could hear us, but he didn't know who I was talking to until we came out of the locker room together. I guess today was just the day of running into people I know.

It's that time again - time for some DuoLingo bragging!

Didn't I just win this? If there was an Olympics of DuoLingo, would I get the gold medal? Anyway, that's enough about that, because I should log off and go do - you know it - DuoLingo. I don't want that green owl to get mad at me!

Famous Hat

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