Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Funday: Sailing and Steel Drums


Today Travalon and I were going to finally get our boat on the water, but his leg has been bothering him for a few days, and he didn't think he could bend it to get in the boat. Of course I had immediately thought maybe he had deep vein thrombosis, but Tiffy and I both thought his symptoms sounded much more like bursitis, which isn't nearly as serious. After Mass we came home and were going to rest for a bit, but our neighbor asked if we wanted to go sailing. Travalon couldn't with his leg, so I went, and it was wonderful. I manned (womaned?) the tiller almost the whole time, and the weather was perfect for it. Our neighbor is a doctor, so after sailing he came and talked to Travalon, and his conclusion was that I was most likely right, it is bursitis, so he gave Travalon a pain relief cream to use.

Travalon said the cream did help, so he and I went on a walk on the trails behind Country Day School. We started on Tuggle Road, because I thought it was all in shade after that point, but alas, there was a long stretch in the blazing sun. We did get to the shady part and admired the small pond deep in the woods. We could see little fish swimming around in it, but how did they get there? It doesn't seem to be connected to another water source. 

Later in the afternoon we met Jilly Moose at the East Side Club to hear steel drums. It seemed to be a couple of members of Panchromatic Steel with a marimba player. You know that wherever steel drums are being played, I'll be there. It was quite hot out, but bearable in the shade. Then we went to Mr. Brews in Monona to hear Banana Wind, a Jimmy Buffet cover band. I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and singing along with great gusto, so some women asked if I were a member of the fan club. No? Would I like to be a member? Travalon was not as enthused, since he said we can barely keep up with the other clubs we are members of. I suppose he is right, but what could be more low-key than a Jimmy Buffet fan club? By definition it has to be laid back.

At one point during that concert, Jilly Moose told me that she dreamed of making Cecil Markovitch a dirty martini, but it was very loud in there, so what I heard her say was, "I dreamed of making myself into a German martini," and I thought that sounded like a strange dream, but maybe not the strangest. I've had some really out-there ones myself. She said I should blog about this, so here it is.

I forgot to mention that yesterday at the picnic they gave me a "Support Ukraine" bumper sticker, but I don't want to put it on my car in case any Russians out there are driving around, see me, and ram into my car. Instead, I put it on my mandolin case, so now Mandy supports Ukraine. She really is the best friend a girl can have - she's never made me a lot of money, but she has helped me have some amazing adventures over the last three decades. I just can't imagine life without her.

Famous Hat

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