Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Photos of Milwaukee


I forgot to blog about Friday: I worked from home, then I picked up Tiffy and we went to a Thai restaurant on the way to the outdoor theater, where we saw King Lear. Cecil Markovitch was there too, because he loves Shakespearean tragedies, and he LOVED that one: everyone but three people died, one by suicide and one by poisoning, and one guy had his eyes gouged out.

That was far more exciting than the last two days for me. I have been sick with something that is probably not COVID, in that the test was negative, but it also expired back in May. I did get out for a few walks and saw these pretty flowers in the neighborhood. My phone says they are a type of evening primrose called pink ladies.

However, Travalon is having an exciting evening because he went to see Graham Nash, of the Hollies and Crosby, Stills, and Nash, in Milwaukee. (I was never planning to go, so don't worry - there wasn't a wasted ticket.) He sent me some photos from downtown Milwaukee. These are "legendary ducks of the Milwaukee River." First, Debra and Ella.

These are DeeDee and PeeWee.

This is Millie.

Here are some examples of the architecture along the river.

And the artwork along the river.

Look! A tiki boat!

He also sent videos of a boat with a band playing on it, and a video from the concert of "Bus Stop" by the Hollies with a guy playing mandolin. They are too long to post on this blog, but maybe I can make them into a movie that I put on YouTube, and then I can share the link. The mandolin on "Bus Stop" sounds particularly nice.

I almost forgot - I did accomplish one thing today:

The challenge this month was the "owlympics." I was never an olympic-level tennis player, no matter how much I love the game, but I am a champion at DuoLingo!

Famous Hat

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