Monday, August 19, 2024

Wired at Work


Today I had to get up early to catch the bus, which doesn't run at a time that would make sense for me to get to work - I'd either be really early or really late. Travalon is still up north and couldn't give me a ride to work, so I opted for really early. Then of course the stop I needed was closed, which I suspected, so good thing I asked, because if I hadn't gotten off the stop before my usual one, who knows where I would have ended up? I didn't drink any coffee at home because being on a bus when you need to pee is no fun, so then I drank two cups of the swill at work. After that I was really wired, and when a woman I'd never met before stopped in to see my coworker who was working from home today, we started yakking and by the end she gave me a hug like we were best friends. Then when I walked with my colleague at lunch, I must have walked a lot faster than usual, because I burned a lot more calories and had already gotten my steps for the day by the end of our walk. I ended up walking seven miles today, and I'm not sure how, exactly. But maybe being wired is a good diet plan.

Today was the day of meetings. I met with my boss in the morning, then right after lunch I met with one of the section heads, my boss, and the chair to discuss plans for gift funds for the coming year. Not long after that, we had our monthly Congress meeting. There were cookies there, and I took one, and then another one because they said they were just going to throw them away, but I burned so many calories today that it didn't even matter. Being at this meeting makes me realize I know all sorts of people all over campus, and in general they view me favorably, so I guess that's networking? Sorry that this isn't a very exciting post, but tomorrow I won't be able to post because I'm going to the outdoor theater. On a weeknight? Yes, because when I agreed to this, I thought I'd be working from home tomorrow and then could take Wednesday off. I forgot this is the week for I-9 verifications for the new teaching assistants, which is a nightmare unto itself. They have to do it in person by Thursday, but oh, the faculty told them they don't have to be on campus until next Monday. Yikes! I wish we could just do it by video, like during the pandemic. That would make life so much easier...

Famous Hat

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