Thursday, August 8, 2024

Madison Night Market


Today I worked on campus, and as Travalon and I were going to his car, we saw our most annoying neighbor staring at Greg the plant. She said, "I moved that pot," and I said, "Why? It was holding up this tall plant!" and moved it back. That infuriated her so much that I thought for a moment that she was going to slug me. She said, "It's so ugly having all these dead plants here! I'm going to tell the condo board president about this!" Maybe she forgot I am on the board too...? And I think he likes me well enough, but hoo boy, he does NOT like her. I emailed him to warn him she might be complaining about me, and that as far as I knew I wasn't breaking any bylaws by having houseplants outside, but if I was, please let me know. He said oh, she's just grumpy because her unit is not selling. Knowing her, she's asking way too much for it. I doubt that my houseplants are keeping people from buying her condo, since they aren't really anywhere near it.

I had to go to a meeting after work, and then I met Tiffy downtown. Travalon joined us at the Chinese restaurant on State Street with the delicious shrimp. This time I did not get any in my shoes, but I did get some noodles in my right shoe. It was crazy on State Street because it was Madison Night Market, and there were vendors and bands all along the street. (My band has been asked to play at it, and we may sometime, but it's not a lot of pay - I think like $5 per person plus any tips we might get.) As we walked along, I saw an adorable crocheted dinosaur. Then I saw another one, but this one looked like it might glow under blacklight.

And it does!

Even the stripes! Travalon said they look like Charlie Brown's shirt.

When we got home, the thing I had accidentally charged to my purchasing card at work had arrived.

It's a little 175th anniversary Union Terrace Chair! I have some other 175th anniversary swag, mostly at work, like a water bottle and a little pendant. I realize this isn't much compared to, say, the University of Bologna that has been around for a millennium, but it's still pretty impressive. This university has been around since long before I was here, and hopefully it continues long after I am gone. I suppose I'm always spending money on silly things, but as I told Tiffy and Travalon, we're spending our kids' inheritance. Travalon said, "We're spending the kids' college funds." After all, when you are child-free, who are you going to save your money for anyway?

Famous Hat

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