Friday, August 2, 2024

Bluegrass (?) at the Edgewater


Yesterday I had wanted to work from home, but I had to go to a meeting on campus. Travalon picked me up when he got off of work, then I drove downtown to meet Tiffy and Rich so we could go to the outdoor theater. We saw a play called Ring Around the Moon that was really funny, with one guy playing identical twins. Beforehand we had dinner at Amber Indian restaurant, and they were uncharacteristically slow, so we only got there right before the play started. My weather app said there might be a thunderstorm during the play, but we were sitting right under an overhang, and I brought a rain poncho, so then it was totally dry all evening.

Today I worked from home, then I cut out a little early (with my boss's permission) to meet Tiffy downtown. We got bubble tea (mine was ube-flavored), then we sat on the roof of her sister's building until getting some dinner at Himal Chuli. There was a dance on the rooftop of the Monona Terrace, and of course there was the Union Terrace, but we ultimately decided to go to the Edgewater to hear a bluegrass band. They advertise having free bluegrass bands on Friday evenings, but this band was mostly playing rock music. However, it was a beautiful evening. Check out this sunset.

I gave Tiffy the third Star Wars Mallards hat, and I wore mine, so we looked like a gang of two. Tiffy said we were not intimidating, and I said, "Intimidating? We're invisible! People probably just see two identical hats floating through the air and are all like, 'What's that?'" 

On our way back to her sister's apartment, we stopped at the Globe and got the two desserts on their menu to go, then as we went to cross the street, there were emergency vehicles everywhere. I was afraid there was another fire at my church, but Tiffy thought it was a car accident. Since I was parked at the church, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to go out. She said maybe things would clear up after dessert, so we went to her sister's apartment and tried them. One was a donut hole in sweet goop, and the other was cheese in a rose and pistachio cream sauce. We both really liked that one. Then we went up to the roof of her sister's building to scope out my best escape route. However, when I walked by a cop, I asked if I could just go out the front way onto the blocked-off street, since I was north of the accident (looked like a taxi smashed into a parked car), and he said sure. So I had no issues getting home. Meanwhile, Travalon went swimming in Salmo Pond and then went to a dive bar, so he had a good evening.

Famous Hat

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