Thursday, August 15, 2024

Cookin' for the Assumption


Today I worked on campus, and I was a little tired but feeling much better. Travalon came to pick me up, and for the day of obligation we went to 5:15 Mass at the church that now has Mass instead of our old church. Now I used to live a block from this church and would go there for confession or daily Mass from time to time, and it always seemed like a perfectly fine church. Not as pretty as our old church, of course, but still old and pretty. However, today it was so hot in there that we could barely stand it. Travalon had to take a walk outside during the homily, and I bolted out of there right after the final blessing. Usually I sing the closing hymn with great gusto, and it was a decent Marian one (can't remember which one), but I was too hot to stay in there for one more minute. Just to add to the weirdness, the people around us seemed unfazed. As Travalon pointed out, the guy sitting right in front of us was wearing a hoodie. How?? Is this church a magic church that makes sinners feel like they are in Hell already but all the holy people don't even feel it? I doubt that we're going back to that church anytime soon.

After that, I didn't have the energy to go to a book study or an organ concert that were both going on this evening. We went home, and after a while I had recovered enough to join an online meeting for the secret club I'm in, but I wasn't even getting into that too much. I guess my brain was really cooked.

One of the Night Prayer regulars is in Banff, and he sent us photographic proof of his first moose sighting:

Or maybe he's still on the way to Banff. They were driving there, and that must take some time. I have always wanted to go there myself. Someday...

Famous Hat

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