Saturday, September 26, 2009

Official Chipmunk Letter

The other day Hardingfele rescued a three-fourths dead chipmunk from one of her cats, and the little creature thanked her by biting her and running away. She then called the Public Health Department and was informed that rodents do not generally carry rabies. She thought the matter was concluded until receiving the following letter in the mail:

Hardingfele does not remember anyone making a concerted effort to find the offending chipmunk, as it does not have any distinctive characteristics. (Unlike, say, the unfortunate squirrel in her neighborhood with half its tail missing, perhaps also courtesy of her cats.) She does say it gives her a warm, fuzzy feeling that our officials are using our tax money to make a concerted effort to find such public menaces as this incredibly dangerous chipmunk.

Famous Hat


Olivia said...

We ought to show these guys what a real concerted effort looks like.
Hazmat gear - check
GPS Chipmunk locator - check
Tranquilizing gun - check
Walkie talkies - check
Nuts - check
Trap - check

Famous Hat said...

If you and I are in on it, then we've definitely got nuts!

Just wait until we post our fabulous footage of this concerted effort to find the chipmunk!

WV: flapperi. Noun, plural of flapper. "I love looking at pictures from the 20's of all the flapperi waiting for the streetcar."