Thursday, September 17, 2009

Questions to Ponder

Today I have some questions to ponder:

Two nights ago, when I went to clean up the little wasp corpses littering my balcony, there were still some live wasps buzzing around so I waited until last night. (The wasp poison did say it could take up to 48 hours for all of them to die.) Last night there were NO WASP BODIES on my balcony! Where did they go? Did they just blow away in the wind, or did the live wasps collect them? Do they know one another by name? Maybe even now they are looking over the carnage and wondering, where are Joanie and Imelda? They followed that big, nasty thing back into the other big, nasty thing's nest and were never seen again. (Wasps, if you are reading this, Joanie and Imelda are down the sink.)

If the First Person of the Holy Trinity is named Yahweh and the Second Person is named Yeshua, then what the heck is the name of the Third Person? Surely He has a name too, and not just a title (Holy Spirit). And would it also start with a Y?

Is there a special spot in Hell for those people who, when the bus is so full that people are standing in the aisles, insist on taking up an entire two-person seat themselves? And is it the same spot reserved for those "late mergers" during road construction?

Pulmonary mascots: are they EVER a good idea???

Meet Larry the Lung
Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

Actually, I think YHWH is the name of the Trinity, and Yeshua the name of the Incarnate Word.

Famous Hat said...

Gosh, here I thought for sure you were going to say, "Shouldn't that be Larry the LUNGS?"

wv: aultrax. You should stay off aultrax on the el, even though only the middle one is electric.

rockstartailor said...

Not sure what happened to the wasps, you think they went to heaven and then you and Rich would have to account to Yahweh, the Son, and OK what is a good name for the Spirits - I don't know - Wind Dude?

So this lung thing, is it an actual mascot?

Famous Hat said...

Larry the Lung is a joke. A doctor here said that if Nephrology can have kidneys on their letterhead, he wants lungs. We just thought it was funny because internal organs are NOT attractive.

wv: Bilersor. Larry the Lung can make your bilersor just from looking at him! (His other name is Scary Larry.)