Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Concerted Effort: Scenario #1

This week on Famous Hat we will be discussing the "concerted effort" that the Public Health officials made to find the chipmunk that bit Hardinfele. As you may remember, said officials sent Hardingfele a letter stating that they had in fact made a concerted effort to find the chipmunk. Here is one way it could have gone down:

A group of Public Health employees sit around a table, drinking coffee.

Thibodaux: Gantley, you seen a chipmunk round these parts lately?

Gantley: No. How about you, O’Shaughnessy? Seen any chipmunks lately?

O’Shaughnessy: Nope, I haven’t. How about you, Thibodaux?

Thibodaux: Not one. Gentlemen, we made a concerted effort but the chipmunk could not be located. Gantley, write the Official Letter and send it to Ms. Hardingfele.

Stay tuned for Scenario #2 tomorrow and the thrilling conclusion on Thursday with Scenario #3!

(Thanks to Susan on the bus for suggesting this scenario.)

Famous Hat

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