Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Pretty Pictures: Arizona

I don't really have anything to say today, so instead I am just posting some photos Palm Tree Fan took during her recent vacation in Arizona. If it is cold and gray where you are, feel free to imagine that you are in a lovely, warm, dry desert while looking at these.

And my favorite: saguaros! I love cacti (a whole section of Plant World is devoted to cacti and succulents), and what could be cooler than a giant, trident-shaped cactus that now and then gets enormous white flowers on it? I got some saguaro seeds at the Hoover Dam a few years ago, and while they all sprouted, only one made it past the seedling stage. It actually looked like a tiny cactus! Then for no apparent reason it died right before its third birthday. (But then, my relationships with Virgos are usually like that - everything's fine and then....BAM! Guess I should have waited a month or two to plant it.) So now I am saguaro-less.

Famous Hat

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