Scene One: Official-looking room
Official-looking guy: (pointing at map):
Okay people, here is the plan. The site of the “incident” was right HERE. (Points to Hardingfele’s yard.) That means the offending chipmunk could be anywhere in this area. (Points to Chipmunk Zone.) Here’s what we’re going to do: Number One, check out the Beta Quadrant. Number Two, check out the Delta Quadrant. Number Three, check out the Alpha Quadrant. Number Four, check out the Gamma Quadrant. Got that, people? And remember, this is a very dangerous animal. Despite what we told Ms. Hardingfele, there is a nearly 100% chance the thing is rabid, so don’t take any stupid chances. Got it? No stupid chances.
Scene Two: Hardingfele’s backyard
People in hazmat suits running around.
First Person: I see something!
Second Person: Over here!
Third Person: Cover my six!
Scene Three: Official-looking room
Official-looking guy: Okay, people, we made a concerted effort but the chipmunk could not be located. Number Three, write the Official Letter and send it to Ms. Hardingfele.
Remember to check back here tomorrow for Scenario #3!
Famous Hat
You are getting so much mileage out of my bite. But we have to interview Vinny for a description, that is part of the concerted effort.
Don't ruin the surprise for tomorrow!
WV: payote - when you make your money selling cacti to druggies
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