Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Fish Fact

Arphaxad was going to write more of her story today, but she is so mad right now that she just wanted to rant instead, so I said she could.

OK, so we have been living in Famous Hat's office for what, almost two years, right? On one side of our bowl was a spider plant, then beyond that was Keith the baby dracaena and a plant that smelled really good, I think it was called a Puerto Rican oregano; on the other side was a cycad and a much larger dracaena, and on either end was a pothos vine. It was so beautiful! Then Famous Hat's boss decided very suddenly that plants were the new Menace 2 Society, so she had to take them all home.

Last night the intrepid Plant Relocation Team of Famous Hat, Hardingfele, and Rockstar Tailor came over and took away all the plants but Keith. (Since it originally belonged to a coworker, Famous Hat figured she could always argue that she was told to get rid of all "her" plants but that this one belonged to the coworker so technically it wasn't hers.) At least the plants were not as heavy as when they had to lug November, The Professor, and Dr. Cheung around!

So now all the plants are in Plant World at Famous Hat's home, and Amminadab and I have nothing to look at except Keith. (See below.) I hope it isn't lonely! Of course, there is still the little plant in our bowl, but we chew on it so much that it's in kind of pathetic shape right now. Then again, when Famous Hat bought it, the guy at the pet store told her we would kill it within two months, so it has exceeded that lifespan by quite a lot.

But what can a fish do? I suppose it will just be a matter of time before Famous Hat is told she can't have pets at work either, and then we'll be back with our plant buddies once again.


(Keith is a lot bigger than this now)

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

I guess you can tell your boss that she ruined the fishes' view, so if they become sad and quit eating or even die, you can blame your boss. Maybe move them to your desk and put in a tropical screen saver.

Famous Hat said...

They actually used to be on my desk, but then my boss made me move them to the window sill.

WV: munpri. I was hoping for big munpri with the ads on my blog and so far I've made $0.62!!