Thursday, April 3, 2014

Priestly Interrogation

Last night Travalon and I met with the priest who is marrying us, and he asked us – separately – a bunch of questions such as, “Have you been abducted or in any other way forced to participate in this marriage?” and, “Did you in any way contribute to the death of a former spouse?” When I asked the priest if he had ever had anyone say yes to any of these questions, he said just once, a young man who had knocked up his girlfriend answered that he was feeling forced into the marriage, so the priest refused to marry them. He thinks they went elsewhere and gave another priest a different answer. Apparently Travalon and I gave the correct answers, because our wedding is still on. We also planned the ceremony, like how Cecil Markovitch will escort Ma Hat to her seat just before the procession begins, and how the Rosary Ladies will be doing the readings and the Prayers of the Faithful. What surprises me is how many people are planning to come to the wedding but not the reception. Is everyone busy that day, or do people just prefer the ceremony to the party? I’d been afraid it would be a lot of people doing the opposite, since that’s what you always hear about. And I really haven’t heard from my relatives, other than one uncle, so will there be any Hat family at this wedding?  Ma and Pa Hat will be there, and Pa Hat will be in a kilt – the Hat family tartan! Maybe I should find a bagpiper…

Famous Hat

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