Monday, November 16, 2020

A Couple of Crazy Dreams


Travalon had a really funny dream the other night. He was an errand boy for the Senate, but they were meeting in a church hall, not in the Senate chambers. They told him it was his job to tell Mitch McConnell that they were firing him as majority leader, so Travalon went into a little side room to tell McConnell, but he was gone - there was just a dummy there dressed up to look just like him, with a stick of dynamite in its hand. And that was when he woke up. What does that mean? Who knows?

I had a dream last night that I was eating all this chocolate, and then it was all gone, but a woman told me I could get more at the University of New Hampshire. "It's in the mountains," she said. "Are you afraid of driving in the mountains?" "I am," I said, and she said, "No need to be afraid while I'm driving - I'm an excellent driver, and I'm used to these mountains." So we drove up into the mountains, to a beautiful campus... and that's where I woke up. According to the online dream dictionary, this dream means I am self-indulgent but am seeking wisdom. Sounds about right.

Here are some recent photos. First, the rosaries I got in Brodhead.

Tonight there was a lovely sunset, so I took a picture from our dock,

Travalon took many pictures of it while he was hiking at Patrick Marsh.

Right now I am listening to "Surrexit Christus Hodie" by Scheidt. Still on that sacred music kick - I guess if I can't make music myself, the next best thing is listening to others do so.

Famous Hat

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