Saturday, November 14, 2020

Another Day of Antiquing


Sorry that I didn't blog last night. Travalon and I had dinner at Mariner's, then he was watching TV so I put my headphones in and listened to the Bach Concerto for Harpsichord in D Minor while praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, and that was mind-blowing. I was crying through the whole thing, and it almost felt like I could understand what God does, the worst and the best of humanity. It's very hard to put into words. I didn't have time to blog about it before it was time to talk to Tiffy, and even now with a day to think about it, I'm still not sure how to describe this experience. Just... mind-blowing.

Today I was taking a walk when I saw a couple of neighbors taking down the tennis court net, so I went to help them. A sad day - the tennis season is over! We forgot to play last week when it was so warm, so we lost our chance. When I got back, Travalon told me his buddy's little dog Nala died suddenly this morning. We see her every New Year's Eve, and she is so cute. So that was very sad. Then Travalon and I went antiquing, in Cambridge, Fort Atkinson, Jefferson, and Watertown. Travalon found the exact bobble-head he was looking for, some player from the Bucks from back in the day. I didn't find any rosaries until we got to Watertown, and then, oh boy - did I ever find rosaries! I found not one but two that are made out of garnet, which is my birthstone, and some others made out of lace agate and other natural stones. They are so beautiful! I don't mind rosaries made of plastic, but the ones made of wood, glass, and especially stones just feel more "alive." Maybe it's because they are more natural substances. 

In the evening we watched the Badger football game, but I didn't enjoy it. I never liked it when the Badgers would beat up on some little school, but it was more painful to watch them beat up on a formerly worthy adversary. I don't know if Michigan is missing a lot of first-string players, but their defense was awful, and they didn't have a lot of offense either, so I found myself in the awkward position of cheering for the Wolverines, hoping they would at least get one touchdown. They did get one, and a two-point conversion, and a field goal, so they lost to the Badgers 49-11. Now people want the coach Jim Harbaugh fired, but I feel like this year everyone should get a Mulligan. How can you judge a coach during this very strange season? Everyone is struggling, so I imagine college football players are really struggling. Utah just fired their coach, who used to be the Badger coach, but I think that's so unfair. Once things are back to normal, then we can judge coaches' performances. Right now we all need a little mercy, including college football coaches.

Here is a picture of Travalon with Nala. She was a schnorkie.

Famous Hat

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