Saturday, November 7, 2020

Return to Mecan Springs


This morning Travalon and I drove to Mecan Springs, which we had not been to since the early spring, and as we were heading there, we heard the news that Biden will be our new president. Now I don't think Biden will be any savior, but I think he is a decent man who will try hard to help everyone. I certainly don't think Trump is any savior either, unlike this guy:

I realized we had never been to Mecan Springs when there were leaves on the trees, but maybe we wouldn't have been able to see the springs with all that foliage blocking them. Here are a couple of shots looking down from the front.

And here are some shots as we hiked along the trail, which is a section of the Ice Age Trail:

Can you believe I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt in November? It was so warm today!

Here is a little round pool caused by one of the springs.

Then we went down to the boat launch on the other side of the glacial basin. 

We drove on to Adams County, stopping at Ship Rock.

And this is Roche-a-Cri, viewed from the winter parking lot. The park is mostly closed for the winter.

We came across a bird party when we stopped at an antiques store that had a big "OPEN" flag in front of it, but when we pulled in, there was a "Closed" sign in the window.

We continued on to the Adams County Castle Rock Park. (As you may remember, we camped at the Juneau County Castle Rock Park for Labor Day Weekend 2019.) We had to pay $5 to get in, but it was worth the price of admission to sit by the lake and watch the sunset.

What a beautiful ending to a beautiful day! Then we went home and watched the newly elected vice president and president give speeches, and I was crying. Finally, a woman is vice president! And the speeches were so moving. A breath of fresh air after the last four years!

Famous Hat


Travalon said...

We really made the most of this beautiful day with this road trip and hike !

Here's my song for today, from the classic 1955 MGM musical 'Hit The Deck"

Travalon said...