Friday, November 6, 2020

Election Musings


That game last night was just what I needed! The Packers were dominant the whole time, except at the very end when they were up 34-3 with five minutes left, and they put in their bench warmers and let the 49ers have some mercy points. And it even got done by 10:30, so I could get to bed at a reasonable time. Of course, the Night Prayer crowd are going to wonder about me, because Wednesday night I couldn't stay up that late after two and half hours of sleep the night before, and then last night - sorry, Packers are on! - and of course tonight I'll be talking to Tiffy. Though I am starting to wonder if they would be a hostile crowd right now.

I'm speaking, of course, of the election. It seems like there are two worldviews in this country: half of us see a decent, caring man who would try to be a president for everyone versus a sociopath would-be dictator who would punish anyone who didn't vote for him, with rabid, racist followers who consider him the Savior and want to institute Christian Sharia law; and  the other half of us see a deeply Christian president who will save this country from its sins versus a feeble, senile old man who will be controlled by the Far Left and throw all religious people into concentration camps. (Or so I assume, since this is very far from my worldview.) I don't know how we reconcile the competing storylines of an incumbent who is the only hope for our country versus the incumbent who will be so empowered by a second electoral win that he will immediately seize complete control. I would just hope that whoever gets the most votes is declared the winner, and the loser will concede graciously. This election was observed by international observers, so it seems like there would be very little room for a lot of fraud. Also, if the Democrats were really going to steal the Presidential election, wouldn't they also win the Senate, which is in some ways a far greater prize? It fascinates me how these people who think Democrats are pure evil and in control of everything also think they are totally stupid and incompetent. Then again, these are the same people who have to either holler, "Stop counting the votes!" or "Keep counting the votes!" depending on which state they are in, because of course it's totally corrupt to count absentee ballots unless your guy is behind, because then maybe he could catch up. There's no consistency except "If we're not winning, someone is cheating!" And if voting absentee is so wrong, then they should throw out a vote in Florida for Donald Trump, cast via absentee ballot by... Donald Trump.

And don't even get me started on abortion. The number of abortions go way down under Democratic presidents and go way up under Republican ones, so if people cared about saving lives, they know which way they should vote. The whole judge thing is so cynical, because these judges are never going to overturn Roe v. Wade - the Republicans would hate that, because they would lose a whole bunch of single-issue voters. That was a cover for installing a bunch of pro-business, anti-labor, anti-environmental judges who will rule in favor of the rich and powerful against the rest of us.

On a completely different note, here are some more rosaries. I got these in LaCrosse, mostly at an antiques store, but the light blue one second from the left is from the Guadalupe Shrine.

And this is a wooly bear we saw at Horicon Marsh. As you can see, it predicts an average winter, since it has a normal ratio of brown to black. I've been told this is an old wives' tale, but I'll be darned if there weren't all-brown wooly bears before unseasonably warm winters, and an all-black one before a bitterly cold one.

Today I also made a video of a woodpecker in our neighborhood. I haven't uploaded it from my phone yet, but Blogspot should let me post it, since it's short. Eventually I'll do something with the much better woodpecker footage that Travalon shot so that you all can see it.

Famous Hat

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