Tuesday, November 24, 2020

First Snowstorm of the Season


This morning when I went for my walk before work, there was snow on the ground and more falling. I took some photos, and so did Travalon.

I don't have much else to say today. It was very aggravating that at the Adoration Chapel tonight two people had masks on, but just on their chins, not over their mouths and noses. So what exactly is the point? Speaking of religious things, here are some more rosaries. I found these two in a separate bag; I got them in La Crosse at a different antiques store than the ones that are in Mardi Gras colors, and I was wondering what happened to them.

These are some rosaries and other random religious items I got at the antiques store in Sauk, except for the wooden one, which is the one I got at Our Lady of the Valley Monastery.

Here is a close-up of the other religious objects. I know what the green scapular is (they are supposed to help with conversions, and I hid one at the Lutheran Cathedral of the Midwest, et voila - my OTHER choir director is now Catholic!), and I have seen the crucifix with the two medals on a couple of my antique rosaries. The littlest medal is a St. Anthony one on one side and a Guardian Angel one on the other, and the medal on the right is a commemorative one from a mission in Chicago for runaway kids. But what are the red ones? They are identical, so I have one side of each showing. It seems to be a Sacred Heart scapular, if such a thing exists. There's one for me and one for Travalon, but are we supposed to wear them? Hang them over our bed? Who knows?

Rich knows. When I texted him this photo, he said these were indeed Sacred Heart scapulars. I always wear a brown scapular (or, as Travalon called it, "your cute little prayer necklace"), but I was enrolled years ago, right after I was confirmed in the Catholic church. Travalon has never been enrolled, so he can't wear the brown scapular yet, but apparently you don't have to be enrolled to wear these other ones. I'm not sure why none of these scapulars have cords on them, so how exactly are you supposed to wear them? Guess I'll figure something out. It is fun to find these random things at the antiques store!

Famous Hat

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