Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Donny the Dictator


As Colbert says, Trump continues to put the "dic" in dictator, refusing to concede after losing the election. The Republicans are backing him up on this too, and saying four years ago the Democrats refused to accept the results of the election. Which is odd, because I was there, and I seem to remember Hillary conceding quite quickly, and Obama handing over the keys without any issues. But then, consistency is not a common quality in many Republicans, it would seem:

Trump supporters: How dare you say we are all racists just because we voted for Trump?

Also Trump supporters: If you voted for Biden, you definitely support chopping babies up in the womb!

Seriously, there is a priest in a nearby town who posted on social media: "It's not left versus right, it's children of darkness versus children of light." Seems like quite a stretch for a man of the cloth to condemn more than half the population of this country. Who could have predicted people that unreasonable would refuse to accept the results of the election? Ah well, I am officially part of the "evil" people, and frankly I'm fine with that. From what I can see, the "holy" people are so vile, that if they are the population of Heaven, then Hell is looking pretty damn good!!

Famous Hat

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