Sunday, March 7, 2021

Drumlin Ridge Winery on Soul Food Sunday


This morning I promised Travalon we could go to the Mass that is later and closer to our house, since we were meeting the Rosary Ladies at Drumlin Ridge Winery right after that. Before Mass we took a walk, and we saw a bunch of cranes in the marsh behind our condo, so I said they must be having their Sunday brunch. Travalon took some photos.

After Mass we joined Anna Banana II, Jilly Moose, and OK Cap at the winery, and I had a wine slushy that went right to my head. At one Travalon and I went to pick up our lunches - we had ordered via something called "Soul Food Sunday," and we ended up getting so much food that it was lunch and dinner. (Of course, we had also split a cheese board, some dips, and a giant pretzel at the winery.) We didn't have much time after that for a hike, so we went to Cherokee Marsh, since it's not too far from our house. From the boardwalk we could see a nesting pair of cranes.

We actually saw another pair beyond them, but they were too far away to photograph well. Then my family's Zoom meeting started a little early, and we were running late, so I hopped on via my phone in the car until getting home. Travalon went down to campus while I was talking to family and then doing Irish, and he walked behind the Memorial Union.

Out on Lake Mendota, he saw some crazy college kids swimming in a hole in the ice.

He also took pictures of some campus buildings. Here is the Red Gym.

This is Science Hall, period! (On the building there is a period after the name, and nobody knows why.)

This odd-looking building is the Limnology Department. The story is that when it was built, the chair asked that the windows be set very high so the students couldn't look out at the lake instead of at him as he taught.

This is Water Chemistry. I know next to nothing about this building.

When I got done with my Zoom calls, Travalon hadn't returned, so I went out with my good camera to take pictures of cranes.

I went out on the dock, hoping to hear that other crane (Travalon heard it yesterday and noticed it even before I pointed it out), but it seems to be gone now. Probably moved on to Horicon Marsh. From the dock I could see our friendly neighborhood cranes walking on the ice.

In the distance, I could see some tundra swans stopping over on their way back to the tundra.

And I saw yet another beautiful sunset.

When Travalon got home, he said, "There's a beautiful sunset," and I said, "Yes, I took about a hundred pictures of it." He went out with his good camera and took some more.

Then we ate our chicken yassa for dinner. It was so good! We had only drunk half our baobab shakes for lunch, so we drank the other half for dinner. And we still have two more in the fridge! I'm so glad they mentioned Soul Food Sunday on the radio - it was so delicious!

Famous Hat

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