Thursday, March 11, 2021

Mad Euchre Skills


It has been a rather uneventful two days, but two days ago when we were taking our early morning walk, Travalon and I saw two geese on a roof.

We also saw this very brown cardinal singing loudly. Even for a female it's very brown - they are usually tawny with some orange on them. Then I went home and googled "Do female cardinals sing?" and the answer is yes.

Then this morning we saw the same (?) two geese on another roof.

And we saw these two cranes, one of the three couples in our neighborhood.

The only other thing that happened was my boss said we should play a game (for coworker bonding time, I guess), but one of my coworkers couldn't join us, so we played euchre. Now I didn't grow up playing card games, I learned them once I moved to this state, and it's been a while since I played any. I was trying to keep euchre straight from sheepshead, and I said, "I don't really remember this game," but then I won so my boss said I was exaggerating my lack of knowledge. The strategy does come back to you. I do wonder, had our fifth coworker been able to play, would we have played sheepshead? I always loved that game, but it takes five people. And of course since we were playing online, I was the one who took the longest to figure out how to log in. My ineptness serves me well when everyone underestimates my mad euchre skills!

Famous Hat

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