Monday, September 12, 2022

Swanky Soiree at the Art Museum


Today I worked from home, then I went to the campus art museum for a swanky soiree. There was an exhibit of historical documents showing when the university had been racist, homophobic, etc., although nothing about sexism. Some of these were not ancient history but were shockingly recent, like in 2016 or 2018. I think my personal favorite was when a black student saw his face photoshopped into a crowd at a Badger game that he had not gone to, in a photo used for recruitment purposes. If you can't find a legit photo of black people having a good time on campus, then maybe you need to change something other than the photos, ya think? I perused the exhibit and listened to the speeches but didn't really get into the part where people stood around drinking wine and eating hors d'oeuvres and making small talk. There were a lot of very important people there, and everyone wanted to talk to them. I don't want to talk to people based on how important they are but how interesting they are, and at that kind of event you can't really discuss the topics that would allow me to know how interesting these people are. I prefer small, intimate gatherings where people discuss the deeper questions of life.

Here are some weird DuoLingo sentences, as promised.

And here's some DuoLingo bragging:

Here are some flowers. First, a pretty one we saw on the walk around Tiedeman's Pond.

And this one in our neighborhood is trying to escape!

"I gotta get outta this joint!" (I'd just like to note that spellcheck recognizes every word in that sentence.) It's good to know that spellcheck knows gotta and outta, but it changes bassline to baseline. What the heck, spellcheck? I'm talking about when the beat drops, not my usual body temperature!

Famous Hat

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