Friday, September 30, 2022

The Worst Thing You Ever Did, Except for That Other Thing


Everyone's a punster lately. Richard Bonomo said he was going to make my post reviewing my cold "go viral," and when I asked Tiffy if we should do the Corn Maze tomorrow, she said, "Let's play it by ear." I have one friend on social media who makes terrible puns, and sometimes the comments other people make are even funnier than the puns themselves. He said, "Ents suffer from resting pitch face," and someone commented, "I was going to make a graphic of this joke, but I realized the ents don't justify the memes." Another time he said, "I stopped at the stand that sells cherries and fireworks. Bought a bing, bought a boom," and someone said, "Unsubscribe." But my favorite reaction was when the guy I think is his best friend (they have lots of inside jokes) said, "That would have been the worst thing you ever did, except for that other thing you did." I love this line so much that I am going to have to use it in some random situation, although maybe it won't be as funny as it was on this post. This same person said to the terrible punster on the post about the ents, "Would you stop?" and the original poster said, "Don't you mean WOOD I stop?" and his friend said, "You win this round." This is the content I'm looking for on social media. I'm sick of all the political arguments, and I don't need to see photos of everyone's kids starting grade whatever. I just want to laugh for ten minutes straight.

Famous Hat

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