Sunday, September 18, 2022

Willy Street Fair 2022


Today after Mass, Travalon and I went to Mother Fool's Coffee House until it was time for the Willy Street Fair's parade... only the parade is never timely, so we waited quite a while. As always, I loved the Handphibians playing Brazilian drums, and I really loved a woman who had a little dog that did tricks and then gave her a double high five. So cute!! The Bubblemobile pulled over right where we were watching the parade, so then I had to watch the Forward Marching Band and everything else from behind it. It kept sending puffs of bubbles into the air, and one girl was catching some of them and rubbing them all over her face. 

After the parade, as always, we went to the Ker Fatou stand for baobab shakes. Usually I get the chicken yassa, but today I got the jollof rice, and oh my goodness was that good!! I gave Travalon a bite of mine (he had his usual peanut butter chicken), and he loved it so much that he went and got some himself. We looked at all the vendors, and we watched kiddie karaoke. Our favorite was this tiny, very blonde girl who belted out Alice Cooper's "School's Out," only she just knew that one line - "School's out for the summer!"  - so she just kept singing that, over and over. That is what I'm here for. So freakin' adorable!

Because I am so naughty (or overwhelmed) and haven't been good about weeding my garden plot, they are taking it away next Saturday. They said I could appeal, so I emailed and called them but heard nothing, so this afternoon Travalon, Rich, and I moved my kale and ground cherry plants and my little strawberry over to Rich's garden. I do have a beautiful pumpkin that probably won't be ripe before Saturday, so I'll lose that, but otherwise it's a relief to be done with it. As one of my bus buddies said, "I get no Zen from weeding!"

Then I had to run to band practice, and the leader told me to bring both the violin and the mandolin because Hardingfele couldn't make this gig, and she wanted two fiddles. I thought practice started at 6:30, but by the time we got done planting the stuff in Rich's garden, it was 6:30 so I called and said I'd get there by 6:45, which I did. To my surprise the hostess and Hardingfele were there, but not our fearless leader, who had called this practice for a gig next Sunday at her church. (We get paid in pizza.) She finally appeared at 7:00, and when Hardingfele said, "Wasn't practice at 6:30?" she said, "No, 6:45," so technically I was not late. Also, our band leader is the leader of a different community garden, so I would have been embarrassed for her to learn that I had been evicted from my plot, but it never came up since she didn't know I was late... or not late. And now that Hardingfele is (maybe?) doing the gig, I never took my violin out of its case. So if she doesn't show up, do I play on the instrument I haven't practiced on? Or do we just have two rhythm instruments and one fiddle? And should I care about a half-hour free gig? Whatever.

Famous Hat

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