Sunday, April 2, 2023

Back to Okee


This morning we managed to get to our own parish church for the long Palm Sunday Mass, then we tried to go to brunch with the usual crowd at a place called Brothers 3, but they had an hour wait. We went to Daisy Cafe and didn't have to wait too long to get a table. It was the usual crowd, which meant that once again I was the only woman. I do have to say that I laughed way too hard when Rich said he had gone to a seder, but instead of having lamb for dinner, they had pork. When he realized what he had said, he quickly corrected himself: "Chicken! I meant they had chicken instead of lamb!" So now I'm picturing the least kosher seder dinner ever: parmesan-encrusted pork cutlets with a side of shrimp. 

After brunch, Travalon and I drove to Okee, where we saw a couple of loons, as well as pelicans, eagles, and of course lots of gulls. We took a walk there, then we drove to the causeway that goes to Tipperary Road, and on one side we saw ducks in the distance, and much closer to us we saw northern shovelers, and then on the other side we saw red-breasted mergansers. Now that I have gone through Travalon's photos, I see that the ducks further from us were mostly wigeons and ring-necked ducks, or maybe scaups. It got too late to post photos, but there are lots of them, including from off of our dock. Travalon got some really good shots of ring-necked ducks from there, and to my surprise there were northern shovelers in the channel. I will post photos soon.

We had to hurry back for my Irish class, then Travalon dropped me off at band practice while he went to Leopold's. Unfortunately, the book he wanted to get there was gone. I enjoyed band practice again, and it makes me less antsy to join all these bands that I am not nearly good enough to join, and in some cases don't play the right instruments. The bass player was there again tonight, and she adds so much to our sound. Plus we dug out some of the klezmer music, and that stuff is so much fun. I'm less jealous of other klezmer bands (especially Latin jazz klezmer bands that haven't existed for a quarter of a century) when I'm playing in one myself!

Famous Hat

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