Saturday, April 22, 2023

First Post on Boethius II with Photos


Yesterday, since I had a working computer, I was able to work from home and talk to Tiffy. Honestly, it was probably for the best that I had no way to log into work on Thursday, since I really wasn't functional. I just lay on the couch and watched a documentary about the making of the album Graceland in the morning, and I watched episodes of Colbert in the afternoon.

This morning I was feeling better, so I went to a talk on whether we can explain consciousness using physics at Blessed Sacrament. Lots of people were there; I sat with Jilly Moose and the woman who has parties at her house with the fabulous porch. Travalon had no interest on a talk about science and faith, but he had seemed fine when I left him at home. However, he texted me that he was feeling worse and was at Urgent Care. They said he has a touch of pneumonia and bad allergies. Since he was at Urgent Care, I stayed for lunch (ribs!) and some post-talk discussion, then I headed home. Travalon and I took a gentle walk at Cherokee Marsh and another one in the woods across from the bluff near our house, then he took a nap. Hopefully some easy exercise and some sleep will help him kick this thing.

Using Boethius II is taking some getting used to. He doesn't play well with Blogspot for inserting photos; I can't scroll through my photos, but I can search by date. Here are some recent photos Travalon took. First a pair of blue-winged teals we saw off our dock.

Here is the "tuxedo" duck with his mate. I love the reflections!

Here is a photo Travalon took last Saturday of me in the field of pasqueflowers.

And here's a closeup of the flowers.

I'll have to try posting photos on social media to see if this problem is unique to Blogspot, or if it's something weird with Boethius II.

Famous Hat

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