Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Travalon's Photos with Other Cameras


Here are some photos Travalon took with other cameras, now that his good camera has died. First, using his old camera (the one he gave to me), he took these photos at Okee. This camera is a Canon, just like the one that isn't working. Here is a pelican.

This is the loon.

And here are photos from the causeway by Whalen Grade. First, a blue-winged teal.

Next, some wigeons with the white stripe on their foreheads and white bills.

And here are some scaups.

Travalon took these photos with his new Nikon camera.

A pair of blue-winged teals share a log with some turtles.

There was a pair of northern shovelers by our dock this morning! They were there again at lunchtime, but I didn't see them after that.

And a red-winged blackbird.

Travalon is still planning to get his good camera fixed. He took it to the camera store, but they said it might be as much to fix it as to get a new one. Still, if the lens is the part most likely to break, and they fix that, then the rest of the camera should hold up until the replacement lens breaks too. The reviews online said that is the part of the camera most likely to break.

Famous Hat

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