Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Stuff I Got at the International Festival


So, FINALLY, I have photos to share of the stuff I bought on Saturday at the International Festival. I know one of my Lenten penances (along with not eating sugar) was to not buy stuff I didn't need, so technically I broke that, but it's to help local artisans. It's not like ordering something from Amazon. 

Here I am with Travalon and the new beach hat I bought when we first got to the Festival - notice that we still have our coats on.

Here is the hat. Surprisingly, the pink part doesn't glow under blacklight. This was sold by a Lebanese refugee, or so someone told me.

An Ecuadorian family was selling little felt animals. They were so brightly colored! I couldn't choose between the donkey and the turtle, so I bought the donkey and Travalon bought the turtle.

And guess what? They glow under blacklight!

This rosary and the tropical earrings were sold at two different stands run by First Nation people.

And here is my name written in Nepali. Isn't it cool?

Today I took a walk at lunchtime, and the water on the lake was so rough that I wondered if there were any loons around. I ran into a guy from the Shamrock Club, the one I went to lunch with a few weeks ago - no idea he worked on campus! No wonder he was able to meet us for lunch! Then I heard something - was it a loon call or just the cry of a gull? When I looked over, I did see a loon, so they are still around.

Famous Hat

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