Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Night at Rich's House


Generally on Fridays I work from home, but I don't feel lonely because I walk at every break with my neighbor, I talk to my colleague for an hour at the end of the day, and then in the evening I talk to Tiffy. But today my neighbor is in Arizona, Tiffy is in Arkansas, and my colleague had the day off for her birthday, so I walked with Travalon until he had to leave for work. Once I got off work, Jilly Moose and I went to Richard Bonomo's house, and he gave me a sort of pedicure, but Travalon assures me that I shouldn't discuss the details. Jilly Moose helped too. Now my toenails only look sort of bad, not really bad, and maybe if I paint them, they will look just fine. After that the four of us walked to the Mexican restaurant right near Rich's house for dinner, and then we came back and sat in his driveway playing Mad Libs. Rich brought out his iPad to do Night Prayer, but he forgot that the latest version of Zoom won't run on his iPad, so we were going to do it on his phone. There was some confusion about who was leading Night Prayer, and it got started really late, so Jilly Moose and I were going to sit outside and do it on each of our phones, but then we realized it caused an echo, so we all went up and did it on Rich's big computer. Travalon, meanwhile, continued to sit outside, and then Mr. Icon arrived and started talking to him about life on Kodiak Island. He claims he had a pet fox named Carl, but when spring came, Carl left to find a lady fox. I have no idea what life is like on Kodiak Island; it's not that easy to get to, so when Travalon and I were in Alaska, we didn't go there. Apparently it doesn't get nearly as cold as here during the winter, so that sounds lovely. Once Night Prayer was over, Travalon and I headed home, and I went out on the dock to see if there were northern lights. I didn't see any, but I did see a couple of very lit-up boats coming back in from the lake. One had very bright white lights, and the other had purple and green lights. I also saw someone out running who had lights on that changed colors. So I may not have seen northern lights, but I saw some very cool lights!

Famous Hat

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