Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Got the Boat Out


Today the weather was beautiful, and our neighbor who always helps us with our boat was available, so I took half an hour off of work to help with getting our boat in the water. It went very smoothly, and we took a short ride, so that is our first boating of the season. That was really the only exciting thing that happened today, since I worked from home. I did have some of Rich's homemade lasagna for lunch, so that was delicious. Also, there was a meeting right when I thought we were doing the boat thing, but then Travalon said we were doing it half an hour earlier, so I was able to go to the meeting. The most interesting thing about that is that on Teams everyone can see I'm in a meeting, yet they were all bombarding me with questions. What the hey? When I'm not in a meeting, hardly anyone is ever trying to reach me. It was kind of a boring meeting, so I did start replying to them. Remember when meetings were only in person, so the most you could do when bored was doodle? At least when they're online, you can check your email, surf the internet, or answer pesky coworkers, and nobody is the wiser. Though there is something to be said for doodling. I haven't done it in years. In college I got really good at it instead of taking actual notes during lectures. I used to think I'd be a professional cartoonist, but while friends thought my cartoons were hilarious, none of the campus newspapers found them interesting, so I gave up on that dream. Now I just have the dream where I have to drive the car from the back seat, as it's careening towards a river. I'll never give that one up, or at least my subconscious won't.

Famous Hat

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