Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Lion King


Last night, after my adoration hour, Travalon and I went to The Lion King. I saw the animated movie years ago, but this is a stage play with lots of fantastic music and awesome costumes. We bought a stuffed baby Simba, which I forgot to take a picture of, so I'll try to post one soon. I remember liking the movie well enough, but I really loved the musical.

Today I had to work on campus, and it was a cleaning day, so we cleaned a bunch of the common areas. I found a five euro cent piece, so I joked that it was my tip, and my boss joked that we should split it five ways amongst the five of us staff people cleaning. That would be a little more than a penny each. Our chair had brought back chocolates from Belgium, so we indulged quite a bit... and then a faculty from another department I've been helping out brought me good local chocolates. I may have slightly overdosed today...

Hardingfele and I went for a walk over lunch, and we went to the Allen Centennial Gardens. I was going to share photos, but Blogspot went and put them on in reverse order again, so I'll just talk about my day and then explain the photos. After work I took the bus to the Labor Temple and met some Union peeps for a bean feed, which is basically hot dogs and beans. Travalon hates both things, so he refused to join us, not even for free beer, and it wasn't Bud Light either but Spotted Cow. Then he and I headed home, and he watched the Florida Panthers beat the Carolina Hurricanes to go to the finals. He said I should post some photos of Stanley Panther celebrating.

These are flowers I saw on my afternoon walk on campus. They are Eastern blue stars.

These flowers are from the Allen Centennial Gardens. I loved this very dark iris so purple it's almost black.

This is an ornamental onion, according to my phone.

I went into Photos this evening to listen to the four videos Travalon had made at our gig, which happen to be four of my favorite songs we do: "Black Mountain Rag," "Give Me Your Hand," "Metsakukkia," and "Ashoken Farewell." Then I noticed something called "duplicates," which I had never noticed before. Perhaps Boethius I never gave me that option. Apparently I had duplicates of a lot of photos, including all my wedding photos, and there were some where I had not just two but four or six or even thirteen of the same photo! I like to think that getting rid of all those duplicates freed up a lot of space. I'm not sure why all my wedding photos were duplicated (probably user error when I was trying to put them into an album), but some of the others were from when certain photos on my phone, usually sent to me by Travalon or others, would get downloaded every time I hooked my phone up to the computer. Now that everything is backed up to the Cloud, I don't seem to have that issue anymore.

Famous Hat

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