Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Photography Exhibit


An emeritus professor from our department has an exhibit of black and white photography in a building which is quite a bit further from mine than I realized. I went to see it today over my lunch break, and it didn't disappoint. There was a terribly pretentious writeup about the photographs and how they don't have titles because that lets us be free from preconceived notions, and then people signed in and wrote even more pretentious things, like, "The play of light and shadow is reminiscent of the artwork of [someone I've never heard of but he's undoubtedly an old white dude]." So I signed in and said, "I especially liked the smiley face one." Now the professor can ponder what a Philistine I am, someone who doesn't understand art. I took a photo of the photo in question, and after some discussion with my Night Prayer group, we decided I can post it if I give the attribution. So here it is:

Photo credit: Professor Hans Adler

Maybe it's not so much a smiley face as a bored face. Perhaps I should have written about how I appreciated this photograph redolent with ennui as a metaphor for the meaninglessness of life. But I don't actually think life is meaningless, and I really just think the photo is totes adorbs. I should note that Jilly Moose thinks this looks like the center of a basketball court, and Travalon thinks it looks like a clam with eyes, so maybe what is seen is a reflection of the viewer. I see a cute face.

On the way back to my building, I passed the Botany garden. I love these fancy tulips.

There are a lot of stairs in the Botany garden, and I went up all of them, so you can imagine my consternation when my phone said I had not gone up any stairs on this particular jaunt. I only got three of my goal of five staircases today. The horror! Tomorrow I'll just have to go up eighteen staircases so my average doesn't fall below five. It's five for the week, five for the month, and five for the year... so far. Can't get lazy now!

Famous Hat

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