Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Ed Edited It


Today I worked on campus, and it wasn't too noteworthy of a day until I took my afternoon walk. I usually go at three, but due to our department meeting (which was plagued by connectivity issues that have been plaguing the whole university), I didn't go until well after 3:30. I walked my usual path, along the sidewalk beside the observatory, and ahead of me I saw a very large bird, but it was too short to be a crane. It took me a moment to realize that I was looking at a turkey. It looked at me, and we both sort of froze, waiting to see what the other one would do. Then it walked into the bushes, and I turned around and went the other way. When I said to the Night Prayer crew that I was surprised to see a turkey on campus now, when all the undergrads are back, they said, "They're not shy." I do remember one day walking down the street and seeing a guy mowing his lawn, and a turkey was following behind him like it was his pet. I'm sure it was just looking for the bugs thrown up by the lawnmower, and the guy may not have even known he had a turkey following him. Which reminds me - on Sunday Travalon and I stopped at a petting zoo where there were chickens that looked just like miniature cassowaries, and I thought he took photos, but he never sent them to me. I'll have to ask him about that.

Today I channeled Burma Shave for Tiffy's message about beandzdzdz. I sent each line at least an hour apart, because nothing is better than anticipation:

"Sometimes other people

Can seem like real fiends,

But we all have the same desires:

Peace, love, and coffee beandzdzdz!"

She requested a haiku, but I'm not sure how to do that, because how many syllables are in "beandzdzdz?" One? Three? I'd love to use the sentence "Ed edited it" in a haiku, but it has six syllables, and I hate to add or detract from so perfect a sentence.

Famous Hat

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