Friday, September 29, 2023

God Only Knows


Today was a bad day to work at home, because they are redoing the siding on our condo, and it was very loud. Also, the workers were listening to loud ranchero music, and while I don't hate ranchero music, having to listen to it for hours is not conducive to concentrating. At least in the morning I got quite a bit done, before things got so loud. I need to do some training videos, but not with all that noise!

In the evening Travalon and I went with our neighbor to Mariner's for fish. This time I had the walleye, which is a bit more expensive but so worth it. Plus the portion is so generous that I will get to have more tomorrow. Our neighbor loves the dinner rolls there and says that is what she will miss most when she goes to Florida for the winter. On the other hand, we were talking about conch fritters, and you can get those in Florida but not up here. I said I felt bad because this morning I took down the hummingbird feeder so the workers wouldn't wreck it, thinking it wouldn't be a problem because I hadn't seen a hummingbird in over a week. Then, wouldn't you know a few minutes later one flew by looking for the feeder? So I put it out again, but the hummingbird never came back, and I took it down once the workers started pounding right around the porch. Our waitress said she has a plant that the hummingbirds love, and from her description we thought it might be a fuchsia. I said those have edible fruits, and that reminded me that on Wednesday I went around eating crabapples from the trees in our neighborhood. The one that had such wonderful fruit last year seems to have four very pale fruit, high up in the tree, and that's it. Makes sense, since it had hardly any blossoms on it this spring. But to my surprise, some of the other trees have the larger, delicious fruit. How did I not notice this before? I told our neighbor I'll eat practically anything, like one year we had a decorative sweet potato vine growing in a pot at the entrance to our condo association, and the president at the time told me to take it out in the fall. There were sweet potatoes in the roots, so Travalon fried them up, and we ate them. Delicious! And of course there was the spring when my neighbor and I found all those morel mushrooms in our neighborhood. They haven't come back.

Yesterday I didn't blog because the Packer game made me too grumpy. They didn't show it on TV, only on Amazon Prime, but Travalon has that so we were able to watch it. I'm kind of jealous of people who couldn't watch it - it was so bad! The first half they were very balanced: the offense stunk, the defense stunk, and special teams stunk too. Finally in the second half they started to play, but it was too late - the Lions were too far ahead. So they lost at home. 

The other day someone posted about people who say there must not be a god because bad things happen, and he argued about why this wasn't true. I said I think of it like taking a dog to the vet; the dog isn't able to understand why you are torturing it. Some guy responded to my comment by saying it was a bad analogy because dogs don't wonder, and because God could explain it to us if He chose. I found his arguments problematic because first of all he must never have been close to an animal, and secondly it's sheer hubris to think that we can understand at the same level as God. Just like I could have told Rodney that he needed a shot, but he wouldn't know what I was saying, God could try to explain His plan to us, but we don't have the capacity to understand it. I just loved that this guy really thought he was equal to God in understanding, and the problem is just that God isn't talking to him. Whatever, dude. You sit down with God and have that conversation, and let me know how it goes. I know from personal experience that it's better to just trust God to have a plan even when I don't know what He's up to. Could He explain it to me if He used small enough words? I doubt it. I'm not omniscient. What really kills me is that some of these same people think space aliens would be at a much higher level of understanding than we are, but then they think God would be equal to us. So do they really think space aliens know more than God? It boggles the mind.

Famous Hat

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