Thursday, September 21, 2023

Mysterious Puff of Wind


The Dairyman's Daughter is in Trinidad, and am I jealous? Maybe. She's been posting beautiful photos of the tropical foliage and the beach on social media, and she was talking about the interesting things she's gotten to eat. She got knocked down by the waves at the beach, and her swimsuit was full of sand. That sounds like a perfect day to me! To our surprise, she logged into Night Prayer tonight with her two genial hosts, so that was really cool.

Today I had a meeting for yet another committee I am on - this one specific to the college, not the whole university. There are some new people on the committee who seem pretty cool, and it was so good to see the returning ones again. I guess this is what the term "collegial" means, that warm feeling you get from seeing people where it isn't strong enough to be love or even real friendship, but you always enjoy seeing them and talking to them.

Then after work I went with a couple of my Union peeps to the Labor Temple to... well, we weren't quite sure. We thought we were filing things, but it turned out we needed to print off the meeting minutes first and then file them, and in my opinion this could have been an email: "Please print the meeting minutes." I guess nobody had access to them to print them off while we were there? There was a computer in the office, but I didn't notice if there was a printer. 

I came home and was reading more about Tibetan spirituality, but everything seemed normal. The roofers were packing up for the day, and they seem to be mostly done with our roof. It looks beautiful, but I don't really know enough about roofs to say if they did a good job. I was sitting on our porch, and then Travalon came home, and while he was in the other room, a puff of wind came into the porch and blew around the banner we have on the wall of a sailboat with its spinnaker up. Suddenly everything felt surreal, like I was in an altered state of consciousness, or like the world was fake. We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, and I noticed that I enjoyed it, even if I didn't feel like I was really there. Whatever it was, the feeling soon passed, and I feel normal now. Did I get lightheaded from something? But it seems like it had to do with that puff of wind, because generally we don't get breezes into our porch, since it faces east. Maybe I will never know what that was all about. I'll let my readers know if I ever figure it out.

Famous Hat

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