Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Famous Hat Handy Bus Excuse Guide

They say it is safer to take public transit than to drive your personal vehicle, but I do not know who “they” are, and I strongly suspect they drive to work. I say this because of three recent bus incidents I experienced that caused me to be late or miss something, but they were so crazy that they sound like made-up excuses. Feel free to use them if you need them, because they really did happen to me.

Back when I was recovering from labyrinthitis, the virus that attacks your inner ear and makes you dizzy, I still had episodes of dizziness from turning my head too suddenly. One evening I was standing on a very crowded bus, almost to the yellow line you have to stand behind, and I had to lean back to see the clock. Just then the bus turned a corner, and I was hit with such a wave of vertigo that I nearly blacked out. I sagged against the side of the bus and managed to stay upright until the bus finally got to my stop, then I staggered home and collapsed on the couch. And that is why I missed choir practice that night.

Just last week I stayed late at work to blog about my coworker/evil overlord FOX, since I don’t have internet access at home, but I left myself plenty of time to get home before choir practice. Keep in mind that I had donated blood not two hours earlier. The bus smelled like the exhaust was getting stuck inside of it, and I couldn’t stand it anymore, got off that bus, and hopped on the one right after it. That one dropped me off half a mile from home, so I walked quickly in order to get to choir practice on time. I had a blinding headache, and suddenly I felt shaky and lightheaded, so I barely made it home. And that is why I missed choir practice that night. (Kathbert says she isn't surprised that carbon monoxide would affect me more after a blood donation, but considering the reason I stayed late at work, she says this is actually karma monoxide.)

This morning the bus driver was trying to make a turn, and of course the vehicle he was driving has a very wide turning radius, and construction had narrowed the roadway. Some guy in a car had pulled too far forward into the intersection before the light changed, so the bus could not get by him. They glared at each other in a hostile impasse until the guy in the car finally gave in and backed up far enough for the bus to pass… and that’s why I was late to work today.

Feel free to use any of these the next time you are late or don’t want to go somewhere. They are 100% true but sound so out there that someone might as well get to use them dishonestly.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

Wow I would say that most of my negative traffic issues have been in cars. Now some bus passengers are another matter

Famous Hat said...

Buses must just hate me. Delivery vans, however, think I am da bomb.

WV: ovifiro - when your female parts combust?