Monday, May 2, 2011

Update Post

Erin Caitlyn O'Honda is all better.... except that they had to turn off the electric system, and now the radio does not work because it is demanding a "radio code."  Toque McToque found with a bit of online research where this information could be located (fine work as always, Agent McToque!), but the body shop folks still could not find it.  So now my ride has no tunes - what a bummer, but at least this will force me to get a new CD player for Erin.  Her current one has not worked in over a year.

Yesterday after Mass, Richard Bonomo made me go to brunch with my Archirritant, and do you know she was pleasant and charming??  If she keeps this up, I will have no choice but to reclassify her as not even any kind of Irritant at all.

Tiffy, however, is acting true to form.  She emailed me today and asked if I had done the jingling behind the groove in "Montauk Point," and I said why, yes, I had and had simply forgotten to mention it in my previous blog post.  The jingles on the down beat are my house keys, and the jingles on the back beat are my work keys.  Glad to see Tiffy is analyzing this groove, just like I told her to.  Good Virgo.

Last night Rich had Wives 1, 2, 3, and 5 (i.e., Kathbert and me, Anna Banana II, and Jilly Moose) over for dinner.  Wife #4 (Tiffy) was at her house in another city, and nobody heard a word out of Wife #6 (OK Cap) all weekend, although Honorary Wife Luxuli was around.  (Heck, if Rich can have multiple wives, why can't she have multiple husbands?)  The Mothership called and asked for Kathbert - yessss!!!! - but all she really wanted to talk about was Mombert, not Rich, so we agreed that call was SCU-neutral.  (You don't get Spousal Credit Units for having the Mothership ask about your mother!)  However, Rich insisted that Kathbert should get lots of SCUs for having separate ring tones for only him and Mombert, and we decided to consult Tiffy on this important matter.  Today I asked her, and Tiffy has spoken:  Kathbert gets 573 SCUs for having a special Rich ring tone.  (OK, I chose the number of SCUs.)

Famous Hat


Famous Hat said...

As usual, Luxuli is emailing me her comments instead of posting them on the blog:

Hysterical blog other the concept, multiple spouses or spouci to meet the moment....just don't know how to break this to my own lovely husband, but what a concept/ the new viral next thing, to meet all our conditions and demands as our moods dictate......(kidding!).

Famous Hat said...

I don't know if any of Rich's "wives" meet his conditions and demands. It's more like he meets ours!