Thursday, May 7, 2020

Band "Practice"

Yesterday Hardingfele sent a message early in the day that the band should get together for a practice over Zoom at five. We all agreed to do it, and when I logged in with my mandolin in my hand, the others laughed and said, "Look at her - all ready to practice!" Apparently they had envisioned it as a catchup session rather than an actual practice. Except Hardingfele, who wasn't even on the video call. What?? She was the one who planned it!! I texted her and said, "Where are you???" and she answered rather unhelpfully, "Home." Because this was a free Zoom meeting, we only got forty minutes, and it kept telling us once we had ten minutes left that we had x amount of time left. When we had one minute left, Hardingfele logged in and said, "Sorry, I was still working!"... and then the meeting closed. There's so much I don't understand, like why did everyone else know this was just going to be a gab session? And why did Hardingfele plan the meeting if it was a bad day? She said there was a grant due that day, but surely she knew this before she suggested the whole thing?

Then I didn't have much time to eat dinner before the Rosary Ladies got together to pray and talk. It turns out I had sent a text meant for Travalon to our Rosary Ladies group chat - oops! - and they all thought it was hilarious. It wasn't a mushy romantic text either, but a frantic text that out of context probably sounded pushy and demanding. What happened was that Travalon went to the grocery store while I was at home working, and the receipt came in my email, so I saw he got a variety pack of oatmeal instead of the plain kind. The variety pack has a bunch of sweet flavors, and I'm trying to avoid sugar, so I was texting him with the hopes that he was still at the grocery store and could get plain oatmeal. When he got home, he had no idea I had texted him (because I hadn't!), so we looked through the variety pack, and there were two plain ones, so at least I had breakfast for today and tomorrow. After that he can go to the store again - Travalon loves going to the store, because it's just about the only place we're allowed to go these days. As Peppa Pig would say, "EVERYONE loves going to the store!" and then all the animals would fall on the ground laughing.

My FitBit is very confused. I should have gone to bed in a timely manner last night, but instead I stayed up watching videos of cassowaries. However, FitBit thought I was sleeping while I was watching cassowary videos, so it congratulated me on getting so much sleep. And I didn't even dream about cassowaries; I dreamed that I was organizing a Paul Simon concert on campus, and Kathbert was helping me. No cassowaries were involved at all. We do have baby cranes, though. Two of them - Travalon and I saw them today. So cute!

Famous Hat

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