Thursday, May 21, 2020

Zoom Does the Job

Yesterday we had our best video band practice yet. Apparently our leader logged in and nobody else did (probably because last week we all tried to log in, but she forgot to start the meeting), so she called me. I had thought it was cancelled because two fiddlers said they weren't interested, and our accordion player can't do video chats. In the end, our leader played guitar and harmonica, and one fiddler and I muted ourselves and played along. I thought that worked really well! I do appreciate the opportunity to make music with others, even if they can't actually hear me - I still get the benefit of practicing.

That was on Zoom. Then we tried Zoom for our Rosary Ladies get-together, and people liked it better than Google Hangouts, it seemed. I read an article in the Washington Post today where they rated all the video conferencing apps out there, and the best all-around one in their opinion was Zoom. I downloaded Skype onto my computer because Kathbert says that is the only thing she can use, but so far we have not Skyped with her. Also, it automatically generated some long, incomprehensible username for me, so don't ask me for my Skype username. I couldn't tell you what it is.

Famous Hat

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