Monday, July 13, 2020

Gardening and Boating on a Monday Evening

Today I left work an hour early because the nearby plant store closes a half-hour before my usual quitting time. I wanted to get some more little plants for the garden, since so many of my seeds never came up this year so I have plenty of empty space. (Or, more accurately, space filled by Creeping Charlie.) The nearby place had absolutely no annuals left for sale, and I was good and didn't go inside to inspect the houseplants for sale. Instead, we went to my preferred plant store, which is not too far away either and open much later. I got two tomato plants for the price of one and some seeds for radishes and Swiss chard. I did get one radish out of the garden so far this year, and today as I inspected the Creeping Charlie, I saw some more radish leaves poking out of it. I also have the mysterious chive plant from seeds I planted last year but definitely don't remember ever coming up that season, a couple of random bean plants, maybe four baby carrot plants, the three calla lilies, one of my two ground cherries (the other plant disappeared completely), some kale plants, a Swiss chard plant, and lots of onions. They are walking onions, so I took the tops off, or I will have even more onions. We did bring a couple home to fry up with the potatoes for dinner tonight, and we brought home some kale and Swiss chard. Somewhere there are supposed to be two eggplants in this whole mess, but they seem to have shriveled up and vanished.

We also took a boat ride tonight. We went out toward the lake, but it was very choppy, so we turned to go back, and I spotted a creature on a dock. We got closer just to discover it was a cardboard cutout of a fox, presumably to keep the ducks off the dock. The gulls didn't care - they just hung out on top of a boat cover. Then we went back into the marsh, and I said I hoped to see the blue heron that is always there. Sure enough, we saw it flying along the shore. Then we saw two beautiful cranes flying right overhead! Strangely, we saw two big boats come back into the marsh. There are always plenty of canoes and kayaks, and some other little fishing boats like ours are often around, but you rarely see big motorboats back there. One docked at the private school on the river, and I do remember always seeing a boat at that dock, so maybe it belongs to the private school. We can't explain the other boat. Travalon said maybe the secret is out, and all the boaters are going to start coming back into the marsh. Honestly, I didn't think most of them could get under the bridge on the way there. At least I was hoping...

Tonight at Night Prayer, Rich's Brazilian former housemate AND A-Fooze were there, so we had Canada and Brazil represented. Sometimes we have people from Minnesota and Michigan too. That's the wonder of Zoom. I still can't get over that I prayed the rosary with someone in Poland as if she was sitting in the same room with me.

Famous Hat

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