Thursday, July 2, 2020

Lunchtime Walks in the Shade

It has been oppressively hot the last few days, and I have mostly stayed inside in the air conditioning. I was starting to feel glum like I do in the winter, and it occurred to me that it was because I wasn't getting outside enough, just like in the winter. So yesterday Travalon and I went to a nearby place called Jackson Landing on my lunch break, because I remembered it being a walk with a lot of shade. In fact, it was about 60% shaded, which is definitely better than walking in our immediate neighborhood at noon. Today Travalon wanted to watch the dedication of a new World War I memorial online at noon, so he suggested that I drive over to where the nearby bluff is and walk in the woods across the street. Was that ever a good idea! It was 100% shaded... a bit buggy, but they mostly swarmed around me and didn't bite. At first I thought maybe they were sparing me because I was praying the rosary, but then I remembered that we had eaten some garlic the last few days, so that might have been what kept them away. Anyway, it was a great way to get some extra steps without being out in the burning sun, but still getting fresh air and a little Vitamin D.

Famous Hat

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