Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Photos of Stuff in My Prayer Space

Yesterday after my adoration hour, I went to my sorely neglected garden plot and harvested two strawberries and a radish. Later Travalon and I went out to try to see the comet (which I keep forgetting about - we could have gotten such a good view of it up north!), but the sky was too overcast, so I went upstairs and played with my black light. I was wearing my new glow-in-the-dark loon shirt from Mercer, so that was fun.

Tonight Travalon and I took a boat ride out on the lake. It went perfectly - the motor didn't conk at all, and it was a beautiful evening. I do like going back in the marsh and saying, "Where's my herons at?" and then a great blue heron will fly by, but lately it's just too weedy in the marsh. Soon the lotuses back there will be blossoming, but we'll have to take the canoe back to see them.

Here are some recent photos I took off my phone. This first one is a daisy we saw at the Little Turtle Flowage that seemed to be looking up at us.

One day I was frustrated that so many of my plants die, especially the ones I actually buy, but people keep dumping hoyas on me and they just grow and grow. "I should just grow hoyas," I thought, and just then I noticed one had buds on it! Now it's in bloom - isn't it pretty?

We bought Lola the Llama, a modern Beanie Baby, on our road trip because she is cute and cuddly and, more importantly, looked like she would glow under black light. We were right about that!

The river is so high that our neighbors' dock is under water, so the two chairs on the end look like they are floating in the river.

When I was trying to find out what the piece of marble with a medallion of the Sacred Heart on it that I got at the antiques store in Algoma is, I didn't get an answer, but I found others for sale. Is there a word for these? They seem to come from France circa the 1930's. This one is Our Lady of Lourdes.

And I got this nativity scene at the antiques store in Algoma as well. This is the one that I looked at one day and was suddenly overwhelmed with how amazing it is that the omnipotent God came down to earth as one of us.

And these are my prayer wheels. I like how they are in a row, like real ones in a Buddhist temple, except much smaller. The squeaky one like me is on the far right.

From left to right, these prayer wheels symbolize Luxuli, Anna Banana II, OK Cap, Jilly Moose, and Famous Hat. If anyone is curious about why, I will explain sometime.

It looks like it might be clearer out tonight, so after dark Travalon and I will try to see the comet. Maybe I will even get a picture of it!

Famous Hat

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