Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Lion's Den Gorge and Holy Hill


Lots of people are calling Mitch McConnell a hypocrite for refusing to hold a hearing for Obama's Supreme Court Justice nominee nine months before an election, but now promising to confirm Trump's nominee mere weeks before the election. However, they are wrong. Moscow Mitch is not a hypocrite, because that is someone who does not follow his own principles. If Moscow Mitch had justice and fairness as his principles, then yes, he would be a hypocrite. He has principles, but they are monstrous: win at any cost, and destroy your opponents. So what he did is entirely consistent. I will leave it to my readers to decide which is worse, a hypocrite or a man with monstrous principles.

Here are some recent photos. These are the two rosaries I got on the Riverwalk in Sauk on Saturday. The jade one is on the left - the green doesn't really show up in the photo. The one on the right is a lovely clear glass one.

When I had band practice on Sunday, Travalon went to the zoo and got a stuffed capybara. He named it after our South American friend, Sergio.

Here are my peach and green Beanie Baby bears.

Yesterday while I was at work, Travalon went to visit his mother, and then he went for a hike at Lion's Den Gorge Nature Preserve near Grafton. Here are some photos. I have never been there, but he says he will take me soon.

This morning there was mist over the marsh as the sun was rising. My photo is okay; my neighbor's photo was much better, but for some reason she didn't send it to me.

Then I took the afternoon off, and we went to Holy Hill. I got a lasso rosary, which is for a wedding but I didn't think to get one before our wedding. I figured we could use it to renew our vows or something. Anyway, I collect different rosaries, and I don't have one like this, and it is beautiful. I will post a photo soon. I also got a colorful rosary, but even though it's brand new, it's in rough shape like one of my antique ones - it keeps coming apart in one spot, and it's missing a bead entirely in another one! I guess it will fit right in with my collection. Travalon really wanted a little figurine of St. Michael (Kathbert would be so proud), and he found one he really liked. Then we did the outdoor Stations of the Cross. Here are photos of the holy water grotto and the towers.

After that we hiked on the Monches section of the Ice Age Trail, beside the Oconomowoc River, but Travalon didn't take any photos of that. He did make a video of a small waterfall at Lion's Den Gorge.

Who knew the middle of the week would be so exciting for us? 

Famous Hat

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