Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Lower Dells Duck Tour Photos (Four Years Later)


I don't have too much to blog about today. I had to miss my adoration hour to go to our annual condo association meeting, so first Travalon and I had dinner at Mariner's. The meeting started at seven, and we had it outside on the lawn in front of the tennis court, so it quickly got too dark to really look at budget numbers or even see our neighbors. Then Hockey Girl was at Night Prayer for the first time, and she was talking about taking a boat ride in the Upper Dells, and that reminded me that I had never posted my photos of our Lower Dells duck ride from almost four years ago, November 2016. The thing was that Travalon and I did that the same day that we later went to China Lights, and I had so many photos of China Lights that it was enough for one post, and then I never got around to posting the photos of our Lower Dells duck tour. So here, four years later, are some photos of it. 

I hope you enjoyed these pictures of what the Lower Dells looked like four years ago.

Famous Hat

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