Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Sunrise, Sunset


This evening I played tennis with my neighbor, and then Travalon came home, so the three of us played. My neighbor got tired, so Travalon played against me, and I ended up playing tennis for almost fifty minutes. That's a lot of tennis at my age! Fortunately I don't have to do anything more strenuous tonight than pray with the Rosary Ladies and then lead Night Prayer.

Here are some more photos. This first one is two free rosaries that came in the mail surrounding the rosary I thought was supposed to be a Sacred Heart chaplet.

When Tiffy and I hung out on State Street, I bought a charm to protect against the Evil Eye, because I got one in Turkey many years ago that I can't find now. Also, I got a hamsa, which is a Mideastern symbol for Mary because her eye watches over us and her hand protects us.

My neighbor's phone takes such beautiful pictures, they almost look like paintings. Check out her photos of a crane and a sunflower.

The sunsets have been very hazy the last few days because of the wildfires on the West Coast - the smoke is blowing over here. This is the best of a bunch of pictures I took of the sunset last night.

Then this morning I got up and saw just the same kind of sunrise. My neighbor and I were out walking around 7:30, and I took these photos.

I showed the pictures to Travalon when I came back into the house to start work at 7:45, so he went out with his good camera and took some photos.

Over lunch my neighbor and I were walking, and we saw where a squirrel had stashed a couple of walnuts in the branches of a fir tree.

I thought that was pretty funny, but it was even funnier when my neighbor edited her photo of it!

Then she said, "Let's sing." I said, "Out here in public? People will think that we're crazy!" and she said, "So what? They already do." So we thought of songs we could sing where I could do the harmony, and we sang to the family of cranes, but they didn't like it too much, so I guess we won't be taking our show on the road any time soon.

Famous Hat

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