Sunday, September 13, 2020

Travalon's Buddy's Funeral

Today was kind of a weird day. I wasn't sure about going to Mass, but almost everyone wore a mask. So many people were there that we had to sit in the choir loft. Then we had brunch, and then Travalon and I went to Pewaukee for his old high school buddy's funeral. First we went on a walk on a covered bridge.

We went to a coffee place, and in the parking lot we saw this car obviously driven by an avocado lover. Check out the spare tire cover and the license plate!

The funeral was outdoors, in the high school football field, and the guy's daughters gave lovely speeches about him, but the minister was kind of weird. She talked about God and the afterlife in the vaguest of terms, as if she wasn't quite sure she believed in them herself. Also, they released balloons, which is bad for the environment. The balloons were white with silver strings, and the way they wiggled in the wind, they really looked like male sex gametes.

There was a reception at the guy's house afterwards, and we were supposed to park at a nearby church, and a trolley would take us. Here is a picture of the trolley. I kind of wanted to take it, but Travalon was thinking he wouldn't know anyone there, so we didn't go. Now he is very bummed because there were a bunch of guys there he hasn't seen in thirty years.

Instead, we came home and took a walk along the Yahara. I thought these asters looked so lovely in the twilight, but the purple doesn't show up so well in the photo. 

Famous Hat

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