Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Fall Photos (and a Drunk Bird?)


So Pete the Sailor Man's birthday party was huge, at least two dozen people on a Zoom call. He was eating chocolate peanut butter ice cream and talking about sailing with a spinnaker. Now I was a little jealous of the ice cream, but I can just go to the store and buy some. I was very jealous of the sailing, because I have always wanted to sail on a boat with the spinnaker up, but I have no idea how to make that happen. The biggest surprise to me is how much of the sailing talk I understood, as they threw around terms like tiller, boom, and halyard. Guess I'm a real sailor wanna-be.

Yesterday Travalon and I took a walk in our neighborhood, and we saw this little cedar waxwing that couldn't fly. Travalon wondered if it was sick, but I noted that it was happily eating crabapples on the ground, so it had a healthy appetite. I wondered if it was a fledgling or injured.

When I mentioned it to my neighbor, she had another thought: the bird was drunk! The crabapples on the ground were fermenting, and the little bird was happily eating them to enjoy a buzz and then couldn't remember how to fly. Makes sense.

Here are some pictures of fall foliage and flowers in our neighborhood that Travalon took with his new phone.

Here Travalon and I are on our dock. People keep talking about gaining the COVID-19, but I have lost 12 pounds since the pandemic started. Not sure if you can tell...

Travalon has lost 35 pounds since the pandemic started! Doesn't he look great?

Here is our little boat, the Megan Jaye.

And here is our canoe, hanging out on the kayak rack.

This evening Travalon and I played tennis, and once again people were watching us. We only had one ball with any bounce left to it, and then it got kind of wet because it was drizzling out, so it didn't bounce anymore. So of course these people were watching us as we played with a bounceless ball - they must have been so impressed with our (lack of) skill. Then I went for a walk with my neighbor, and I saw this sunset.

We saw a child's life jacket floating just off our dock, but the net on the dock was just two inches too short for us to reach it. I mentioned it to Travalon when I got home, and he said he will try to get it tomorrow, since he has longer arms than either of us and might be able to reach two inches further.

My neighbor went to Olbrich this afternoon, and she sent me this video she took of the fountain in front of the Thai pavilion.

Hopefully the little cedar waxwing sobered up enough to fly into a tree before nightfall, when all the creatures that would eat it start prowling. We definitely have raccoons and coyotes in the neighborhood!

Famous Hat

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