Monday, November 29, 2021

Meetings and a Rainbow


I was dreading today, and it didn't disappoint. I had four meetings: one trying to convince a person about to lose their job to change their evil ways, but they don't see the problem with their behavior; one where my boss took credit for a project I did; and one where some residents wanted to meet with the condo board, and they had all this extra work they wanted me to do. The one that wasn't horrible was a food waste subgroup I am on, where we talked about possibly using the little food delivery robots to bring food waste to the recycle center - that's kind of a cool idea! I love the little food delivery robots... although they are a bit pokey, and the one time I ordered from them, my pasta was lukewarm by the time it arrived. Not an issue with food waste just going to a composter! It was a stroke of genius for the university to order those robots four months before the pandemic shut everything down, and then they were a lifesaver, bringing food to students quarantined in their dorms. Someone had some real foresight there!

There was one lovely touch late this afternoon, not long before I got done with work, when I gazed out the window facing over the lake and was pleasantly surprised to see a rainbow.

I was going to post photos of my new acquisitions under blacklight, and the hat doesn't disappoint.

However, the blacklight poster I got, while it glows perfectly well, was mislabeled so it is the exact same mushroom poster that I already have. Would anyone like a blacklight mushroom poster for Christmas? And the tapestry, while beautiful, does not glow under blacklight, so both things I got at the hippie store were a bust. Who knew a $3 hat from Goodwill would win the prize for Best Blacklight Acquisition on Small Business Saturday?

Famous Hat

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